Add Customer Group #
To create a new customer group and include selected customers in it, follow these steps:
Add Customer Group Button #
Tap the “Add Customer Group” button at the bottom of the POS screen to start creating a new group.
Enter Group Name #
Enter the group name in the provided “Enter Group name” section to identify it.
Status #
Adjust the Customer group status by sliding the status button right to activate or left to deactivate.
Search Customer #
To add specific individuals, input their names in the “Search Customer” section.
Include customer to the group #
Click the plus sign circle button next to the phone number of desired customers to include them in the group.
Remove customer from the group #
To remove a customer, click the minus/negative circle button next to their name.
Save Customer Group #
Once satisfied with the list, click “Save” to save the group and confirm changes.
Edit Customer Group #
If you want to edit the Customer Group details:
Customer Group #
Choose the Customer Group you want to modify.
Edit Customer Group Button #
Click on “Edit Customer Group” to access editing.
Input any necessary changes #
Input any necessary changes to group details.
Click Update #
Review adjustments carefully.
Click “Update” to save changes to the customer group.
Delete Customer Group #
To remove a customer group from your system:
Choose the customer group #
Choose the customer group you want to delete.
Delete Customer Group Button #
Tap “Delete Customer Group.”
Confirmation #
Confirm by selecting “Yes.”
Customer Group Deleted Successfully #
The customer group will be permanently removed from your system.
Note: Customer groups can be used to identify different tiers of customers in your business. You can have groups for basic customers as well as creating specific groups for employees or friends and family.