Overview #
In the event that you need to add, remove, or pay out cash from the cash drawer, select the Drawer button.
Note: All Cash Drawer Operations are protected by the user’s roles and permissions set. This feature can be blocked from having unwanted employees accessing it.
Drop Operation #
Drop will allow you to remove cash from the drawer in the event that you may have more cash in the drawer than needed.
Input the Value #
Input the value you wish to drop from the drawer and select Enter.
Remark #
Once entered, you will be prompted to input a Remark leaving the reasoning for the cash removal from the drawer.
Select Distributor #
You can select a distributor if applicable and select confirm to submit the Drop.
Submit Drop #
Once you submit the Drop, you will have the option to print a report of the cash drawer drop.
Select Print or X to Close #
Select Print to print the report or select the X to close the screen.
Pay Out Operation #
Pay Out will allow you to take money from the cash drawer to pay a distributor or employee if needed.
Input the Value #
Input the value you wish to pay out from the cash drawer and select Enter.
Remark #
Once entered, you will be prompted to input a Remark leaving the reasoning for the pay out from the cash drawer.
Select Distributor #
You can select a distributor if applicable and select confirm to submit the Pay Out.
Submit Pay Out #
Once you submit your Pay Out, you will have the option to print a report of the cash drawer pay out.
Select Print or X to Close #
Select Print to print the report or select the X to close the screen.
Pay In Operation #
Pay In will allow you to add money to the cash drawer if needed.
Input the Value #
Input the value you wish to add to the cash drawer and select Enter.
Remark #
Once entered, you will be prompted to input a remark leaving the reasoning for adding money to the cash drawer.
Select Distributor #
You can select a distributor if applicable and select confirm to submit the Pay In.
Submit Pay In #
Once you submit the pay in, you will have the option to print a report of the cash drawer Pay In.
Select Print or X to Close #
Select Print to print the report or select the X to close the screen.