Overview #
If a customer wants to check the price of an item without completing a transaction, you can provide them with a quick price check feature. This allows you to scan or enter the item’s UPC or name to display its current price without adding it to the transaction log.
Price Check Button #
Select the Price Check button to check an item’s current price.
Scan or Search an Item #
Scan or enter an Item Name/SKU/Distributor Code to price check an item.
Display Item Information #
Displayed will be all the item information of the product, including price and stock.
Add Quantity #
If you want to add quantities to the item to show multi-item pricing, click the “+” to add quantity.
Add to Cart #
If you want to add this item to the transaction, select Add to Cart.
Close Price Check #
Select the X at the top right of the menu to close the price check.