Overview #
Single Item – Combo Promotions are available to create sales promotions through the purchase of a single item
together. This allows a customer to purchase an item and get another item along with the purchase. The items
can be different from one another and works similar to a buy one and get the other type of deal.
Add a New Promotion #
Select Add to create a new promotion.
Input Promotion Details #
- Promotion Name
- Promotion Target (Department, Category, Subcategory, Item Group)
- Value of Combo Next, input the Value of the Single Item – Combo:
a. Buy: X
b. Get: X
c. Select Discount Type:
i. Free
ii. Amount Off
iii. Amount
iv. Percentage - At the bottom half, input the item you wish to combo with the Single Item – Combo Promotion.
- Select Add to create the new combo.
Save Promotion #
Select Save to apply the Single Item – Combo Promotion.