EDI Invoicing is a tool that is available in inventory management. EDI Invoicing is used to help automate the
Inventory process in your store. It is used to input Invoices or Purchases Received from your Distributors accurately. With EDI Invoicing you will find yourself Saving Time and Accurately inputting Invoices into your store database.
View Process EDI #
Add New EDI Invoice #
Select Add to upload a new EDI Invoice.
Upload Text File #
A popup will appear allowing you to Upload Text File. Select the Upload button.
Search Text File #
Choose the EDI file on your computer.
Submit #
Once the Invoice has been Uploaded, select Submit to continue.
Review EDI Invoice #
It will show all the invoice numbers included in that EDI file. You can review it or edit the invoice number
Click the “x” button to cancel that particular invoice.
Click Submit to proceed or Cancel all to cancel the invoice.
Confirmation #
If you are sure to any changes that you made, press the “Yes” button to proceed.
Invoice Information #
Once you have uploaded an EDI Invoice the system will direct you to the Invoice Information. On the Invoice
information page you will be able to see information about your order such as:
a. Invoice Number
b. Invoice Date
c. Vendor Code
d. Distributor
e. Invoice Total
f. Grand Total
g. Total Items
h. Total Unit Quantity
Below this information you will also be able to view all Products within the Purchase Order. Use the following
Key to help identify the Status of your products:
1. New UPC – Yellow
2. New Item – Blue
3. Matched Fields – Green
4. Conflicts Items – Red
Match/umatch #
When hovering over a Product within the EDI Invoice you will also be able to make Edit as well as Delete
products from the Purchase Order.
Edit #
Select the Green Edit button to make changes or match the items to a specific Product on the EDI Invoice.
Item Information #
You will have the ability to Edit the following information while doing a Process EDI:
a. UPC
b. Item Code
c. Unit Cost
d. Unit Multiple
e. Item Name
f. Department
g. Category
h. Item Group
i. Retail Price
j. Buy Down ($)
k. Margin
l. Markup
m. Buy as Case
n. Units in Case
o. Case Cost
p. Size
q. Pack
r. EBT
s. Tax
t. Distributors
u. Distributor Code
v. Purchase Cost
Submit #
Click Submit to apply the changes.
Delete #
Select the Red Delete button to unmatch the Product.
Next #
Once you have double-checked the EDI Invoice Information, select Next to continue.
Changing Item Name #
Once you press the Next button, a pop-up message will appear at the center of the screen asking if you want
to follow the item name based on the EDI file.
Confirmation #
If you are sure with the changes, press the yes button.
EDI Invoice Information #
Once you have confirmed your EDI Invoice Information and selected Next from the first page, you will be dire
to the Commit page. On the Commit page you will be able to make any final Changes or Adjustments to yo
Purchase Order.
Quick Change Price #
You will have the option to Quick Change Price by:
a. Amount ($)
b. Percentage (%)
c. Margin (%)
d. Markup (%)
e. Roundup ($)
f. Price Change To (Amount $)
g. Price Increase By (Amount $)
h. Price Decrease By (Amount $)
Quick Change for the Item details #
You will have the option to Quick Change the following information about each Product:
a. Department
b. Category
c. Tax
d. Margin (%)
e. Markup (%)
f. Current Price ($)
g. New Price ($)
Legend #
It will display the totals and remarks for all items under this invoice, including:
• Selected items
• Invoice Total
• Total items
• Total Unit Quantity
• Increased Cost
• Decreased Cost
• New Item
• New UPC
Commit #
Once all of the Product Information is confirmed, select Commit to apply the Process EDI Invoice information
to your store’s database.
Confirmation #
If you are sure to commit the EDI file, press the “Yes” button.
Committed EDI #
After the Process EDI has been committed, you will be redirected to the Process EDI List.
This will also show all the items that have been committed under this EDI invoice.