Overview #
To add an item to the transaction log, you can search using the Item Name, SKU, or Distributor Codes.
Select the Item Name/SKU/Distributor Code Box #
Click on the Item Name/SKU/Distributor Code box to search for an item in the transaction.
Type in the Item Name/SKU/Distributor Code #
Begin typing either the Item Name, SKU, or Distributor Code.
Item List Dropdown #
A list of items will appear based on your keyword input.
Select the Item #
Select the item from the list.
Item Cart #
After selecting the item, it will be displayed on the screen.
Adjust Quantity #
If you want to adjust the quantity for an item, select the “+” or “-” beside the item name to increase or decrease the quantity for that item.
Item Quantity Number #
You can also press and hold the Item Quantity Number to enter the quantity for that item.
Input Quantity #
Input your new item Quantity value.
Select Enter #
Click enter to save changes.
New Item Quantity #
Your new item Quantity will appear on the screen.