Overview #
Card Reconciliation allows you to verify that card transactions in the store align with processing statements. This feature is especially useful if an error occurs during a transaction, such as when the POS system does not generate a receipt, but the transaction is completed on the PIN pad.
Quick Functions Menu #
Open the Quick Functions Dropdown.
Select Card Reconciliation #
Select Card Reconciliation from the Quick Functions Menu.
Last Card Transaction Popup #
A popup will appear on screen with the Last Card Transaction details. On this popup, you will see the information regarding the last card transaction taken on that register.
Ring Up Items #
Before proceeding to perform a Card Reconciliation, ring up the items first with the total equal to the Approved Amount that you saw on the Last Card Transaction popup.
Quick Functions Menu Again #
Open the Quick Functions drop-down again.
Select Card Reconciliation #
Select Card Reconciliation.
Select Reconcile Button #
To perform a Card Reconciliation, select the Reconcile button.
Successful Reconciliation #
After selecting the Reconcile button, the card payment will be successfully closed and reconciled within the POS system.