Overview #
The Card Settlement feature allows you to view all card transactions and their statuses, indicating if they were successful, aborted, duplicated, or encountered an error.
Note: Card Settlement is used to verify if a transaction on card payments was approved through the POS and Card Terminal. The status will indicate if the transaction payment was approved or not.
Open Quick Function #
Open the Quick Functions Dropdown.
Select Card Settlement #
Select Card Settlements from the Quick Function Menu.
Card Settlements Will Show #
Card Settlements displays a status for each transaction, indicating whether or not the transaction was successfully approved on the register.
Apply Customer Filters as Needed #
Apply Customer Filters as needed to the Card Settlement.
Select Credit Card Batch #
Select Credit Card Batch to settle the current transaction batch.
Popup Will Appear #
A popup will appear asking to confirm the Card Settlement.
Select YES to Perform Card Settlement #
Select YES to perform a Card Settlement.