Category is used as a 2nd sortation field under department, to make it easier when searching or looking for
1. First click on the Products which is located at the left side area of the page
2. Select the Category
Add Category #
Click on the Add button which is located at the upper left corner of the page
Add Category Details #
Input the name of the Category, then select the department where you want the category to be placed.
Click submit after entering the details of the Category you want to create.
Edit Category #
To edit the Category, hover the name of the Category you want to change and click the green edit button. Click
submit to save the changes.
Deactivate Category #
To deactivate the Category, hover the name of the Category you want to change and click the blue trigger button
to deactivate.
Delete Category #
To delete the Category, hover the name of the Category you want to delete and click the delete button.