Item History is where you can see the different history of the item based on Quantity, Price/Cost/Quantity changes, Purchase History, and Transaction History
View Item History #
Click Products > Item History.
Select history type:
- QTY Graph
- Price/Cost/Quantity Change
- Purchase History
- Transaction History
Search & Filter Item History #
- Search by SKU, UPC, or Distributor Code.
- Select a date range or filter by department.
Price/Cost/Quantity change #
- Search the item by SKU/UPC, Distributor code, or by Item name.
- Manually set the date by clicking the date range at the top left corner.
- Then select from price, cost, quantity by clicking it.
- If you want to see the item history of a specific department or other criterion, click the filter button.
Price/Cost/Quantity Change Filter #
Select the criteria you want to view for Price/Cost/Quantity change, then click Apply to display the results. If you want to clear the filters, click Reset.