Employee Main Page #
Displays a list of all created employee accounts.
Add Employee #
- Tap the Add button to create a new employee account.
- Fill in the required fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Mobile Number
- Address
- Zip Code, City
- State, Country
- Access Pin
- Role
- Join Date
- Tap Save to create the employee account.
Deactivate Employee #
- Toggle the Activate/Deactivate button to disable or enable an employee.
- Confirm deactivation by clicking YES or cancel with NO.
Edit Employee Details #
- Click the Edit button to update employee information.
- Modify required fields.
- To grant access to the Retailz POS App and Back Office, enable:
- Allow POS
- Allow APP
- Allow WEB
- Enter employee email and password.
- Click Save to apply changes.
Delete Employee #
- Click the Trash Can icon to remove an employee account.
- Confirm deletion by clicking YES or cancel with NO.