Payment History #
In the Payment History section, you can access the customer’s complete payment history, containing details of all payments made. Moreover, customers can conveniently add funds to their account, increasing their balance for future transactions.
Total No. of payments and total amount. #
At the top of the purchase history section, you’ll see the total number of payments and the total amount.
Add Money #
To add money to a customer’s balance, click the “Add Money” button.
Different Tender Payment Options #
A payment window will appear, offering different tender payment options to use for adding money.
Add Button #
Select a tender payment and click “Add” to successfully increase the customer’s balance.
To search specific payment transactions #
Filter #
Click the “Filter” button.
Select from account actions #
Choose from account actions: “All” for both credit and debit transactions, “Credit” for Credit payments, or “Debit” for Debit payments.
Filter by payment mode #
Filter by payment mode by enabling applicable tender payments.
Date range and price range #
Select a date range or input a price range to further refine your search.
Clear #
Tap “Clear” to reset options.
Apply #
Finally, click “Apply” to display transactions based on your selections.
View transaction receipts #
View transaction receipts by clicking the document button in the transaction. This allows you to access and review associated receipts.
Note: Payment history can be filtered by the specific customer. If you would like to export and pay invoices you will have the ability to do so via excel or pdf.